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PostScript Library  

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Please click here for the very latest PostScript info.
  Or here for the Gonzo Utilities and their Tutorial

PostScript from Adobe Systems is an underappreciated yet superb
general purpose computing language. In its spare time, PostScript
also excels at
dirtying up otherwise clean sheets of paper.

You can click here for free PostScript & Acrobat official docs.
Or here fir a PostScript Reference Manual. Or here to pick
up GhostScript Info.

Only recently has PostScript become exceptionally fun and easy to
use. You simply create a textfile and send it to Distiller. Outputs can
be in the form of PDF docs, screen reports, log files, or new disk files.

Among its many other capabilities, PostScript can read or write virtually
any disk file format in just about any language
. PostScript is a premier
choice any time exotic calculations need to be combined with fancy
visual presentations. PostScript also has unique robotics potential.

This classic format library shelf holds one of the world's foremost
of raw PostScript-as-language demos, utilities, and applications.

Also offered is lots of support for all of the more traditional desktop
publishing uses of PostScript. There are also companion Acrobat PDF,
Webmastering, Fonts & Bitmaps, and Book-on-Demand pages.

      IMPORTANT NOTE #1 : Many older files speak of sending
      PostScipt code to 
a printer, using two way recordable comm,
      and making use of persistent downloads.

      In most cases, a slightly modified file can simply be sent to
     your host based Distiller for near instant results
. "run"
     prepends can optionally replace any persistent downloads.  
     Per these many examples.

     Always start with this tutorial file.

IMPORTANT NOTE #2 - Starting with the Distiller in Acrobat 8.1,
the ability to read and write disk files has been default disabled.

This ability MUST be restored to use many of our programs.
In Windows, restoration can be done by running Distiller from a
command line option using a single line command similar t

     "C:\Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Acrobat 11.0/
                 Acrobat/acrodist.exe" /F run

This command remains active so long as a runnable copy of 
Distiller is on or under the desktop. You can then drag and
drop any PostScript files needing disk writes into your
Distiller copy

Most library files require an Adobe Acrobat 4.0 plug in for online
viewing.  Offline, these may be accessed by an Acrobat Reader or
an eBook Reader or any other .pdf" accepting program.

The sections below are pretty much arranged in a "Newest or Best
Files First"
But the latest stuff may appear here first.

  "Must Read" Tutorials : .
 top   bot 

   Using Distiller to run PostScript! DISTLANG.PDF #29
       Acrobat Distiller makes a superb host based PostScript computer!
     Greatly expanded tutorial and update of DISTLANG.HTML reveals
     the key concepts and insider tricks involved.

Click here for the Acrobat library.
Click for the older DISTLANG.HTML tutorial
Click here for the DISTLANG.PSL source code.
Click here for additional Consulting services.
Click here to Contact the Author

   Gonzo PostScript Utilities Guide GONZOTUT.PDF #79
     The long overdue tutorial and directory to my Gonzo utilities. These
     are a combined PS pagemaking and illustration package that features
     super quality text justification, electronic schematics, and much more.

Click here for the Gonzo PostScript utilities.
Click here for the GuruGram 79 source code.
Click here to Contact the Author

   Don & Bee Lancaster's PostScript Beginner Projects
  A collection of simple PostScipt-as-language projects that solve
     real world needs such as letterheads, resumes, bumperstickers, etc...
     This is the viewable and printable PDF version.

Click here fore Source ccode examples.
Click here to Contact the Author directly.

   Don Lancaster's POSTSCRIPT SHOW & TELL
An early "showcard" group of gee-whiz demos of all the neat stuff
      you could now do using newly available PostScript laser printers.
      While rather tame now, it was super spectacular at the time.

Click here for Custom Research assistance.

  Tutorials: .
 top   bot 
Our PostScript-as-language Gonzo utilities and our PostScript
Beginner Stuff tutorials and our PostScript Show & Tell demos
also appear in special sections below.

   Acrobat PDF Post Doc Editing PDFEDIT1.PDF #75
     A tutorial on PostScript based utilities and tools that let you edit
     existing Acrobat .pdf" files
. Edited files can often be ridiculously
     shorter and faster running and offer other benefits and capabilities.

Click here for the Acrobat library.
Click here for the GuruGram 75
source code.
Click here to Contact the Author

   Pixel Interpolation Algorithms PIXINTPL.PDF #83
     A review of popular pixel interpolation schemes including Bilinear,
     Nearest Neighbor, Bilinear with lookup, Modified 3x3, and Bicubic.
     Includes detailed bicubic math derivation. .

Click here for the Pixel Interpolation utility.
Click here for the Pixel Interpolation

Click here for the PostScript library.
Click here for the GuruGram 83
source code.
Click here to Contact the Author

   PostScript Insider Secrets PSINSCRT.PDF
       Classic early tutorial on unique PostScript capabilities. Note that
       we now use host based Distiller pseudo-compiling , and that font
       paths are mostly unlocked and easily nonlinearly remapped.

You can email me for other PostScript update info.

   PostScript Startup Secrets STARTUP.PDF
       A classic reprint of Don's from PC Techniques magazine.
       Includes startup and interface fundamentals. These days,
       host based Acrobat PDF is a better route.

Click here for PostScript Book access info.

   PostScript Speedup Secrets SPEEDUP.PDF
     A classic reprint of Don's from PC Techniques magazine.
       Includes speedup fundamentals for earlier PS printers.
       These days, host based Acrobat PDF is a better route.

Click here for Custom Research assistance.

   PIC PostScript Flutterwumpers POSTFLUT.PDF 
All of the raw power of genuine 100% authentic Adobe PostScript
can easily get applied to stunningly low cost PIC robotic systems.
Royalty free! Tutorial gives examples and insider details.

Click to reach our Flutterwumper library page.

   False Color & Rainbow Mods FALSECLR.PDF #82
     Tutorial and sourcecode shows how to improvea false color and
     rainbow effects by equalizing saturation and modifying hues.
     Includes table lookups exportable to most any language.

Click here for the GuruGram library.
Click here for the GuruGram 82
source code.
Click here to Contact the Author

   Solving Puzzles with PostScript PUZZLE1.PDF #67
     Uses several alphametic puzzles to demonstrate some PostScript
     Programming techniques
. The brute force and modified brute
     force methods can give fractional second solutions.

Click here for the GuruGram library.
Click here for the GuruGram 67 source code.
Click here to Contact the Author

   Book Cover Layout Utility BOOKCVR1.PDF #61
     A tutorial and companion utility that lets you do custom book
    cover layouts for self-publishing
. Includes barcode and ISDN
    access info, Distiller rotation lockout, images, borders, more....

Click for the Book Cover Layout utility.
Click to download Don's Gonzo Utilities
Click here for the Book-on-Demand library.
Click here for the GuruGram 61
source code.
Click here to Contact the Author

    Book Scanning "Gutter Math" GUTTER01.PDF   #103
       An analysis of the typical shape of an open book as may be
      encountered during scanning. Along with correction flattening
      procs. Often a sparce Taylor Series will suffice.                            12/09

Click here to reach the PostScript library..
Click here for the PS Gonao Utilities..

Click here for the GuruGram 103 source code.
Click here to Contact the Author directly.

   Gonzo Utility Log Log Plots LOGLOG.PDF #64
    Ultra fancy engineering graphs and plots are quite easy using
    my PostScript Gonzo Utilities. Tutorial details new utility
    useful for creating log-log or semilog engineering plots..

Click here for the actual Log Log Utility.
Click here to download the Gonzo Utilities.

Click here for the GuruGram 64 source code.
Click here to Contact the Author

  Resource Bin #70 RESBN70.PDF 
Exploring PostScript PIC Flutterwumpers. Getting started with
PostScript as language. Two examples. Robotic flutterwumpers.
Flutfiles and PIC's. How it works. For more help. Contest.

Click here for additional Resource Bin columns.

   Cubic Spline Catenary Approx. BEZCAT.PDF #69
     A catenary is the shape a chain will assume hanging on its own
     weight. Tutorial explores cubic Bezier spline approximations to
     catenary curves.
. Includes examples .

Click here for the Cubic Spline library.
Click here for the Math Stuff library.
Click here for the GuruGram 69 source code.
Click here to Contact the Author

   Resource Bin #92  RESBN92.PDF
      Exploring some PostScript possibilities. What is PostScript? Adobe
Acrobat. GhostScript. Gonzo Utilities. PostScript and the web. PS as
Examples. Scripting combo. PostScript Robotics. More..

Click here for more Resource Bin columns.

   Blatant Opportunist #12  WHYLIKE.PDF
     Older Why I Like PostScript intro to an incredible general purpose
computer language that also can dirty up otherwise clean sheets of
paper. Fundamentals, options, and emerging opportunities.

Click here for more Blatant Opportunist columns.

  Six clicks to Display PostScript  SIXCLICK.HTML
Absolutely genuine Adobe Display PostScript has been available for
      Windows 95 and newer platforms. For
side by side source code and
      visual display
. Here are the utterly trivial insider secrets involved.

Click here for Adobe Acrobat assistance.

   Hyperbolic Cubic Spline Fitting  HYSPLINE.PDF
Don Lancaster Acrobat tutorial shows the steps involved in
approximating a 1/x hyperbola with a pair of cubic splines, done
to exceptional accuracy.

Click here for more Cubic Spline info.

   PostScript "alpha" transparency (!)  ALPHADEM.PDF
     Everybody knows it is "impossible" to get real PostScript to paint in
     translucent pixels
. Demo shows how easy it is done. Transparency
consulting and development services are newly available.

Click here for alpha transparency sourcecode.

                          The latest Illustrator 9 and Acrobat 5 PostScript
implementations have largely obsoleted the above
                           alpha technique. See Adobe ATN5407 for details.

Click for a PostScript Transparency update.
Click for Auctions & Surplus library page.

   PS Array to Image Conversion PSAR2IMG.PDF #42
       Extensive graphics calculations involving arrays in the PostScript
     language can be converted to compact and fast executingstandard
by using these obscure and little known techniques.

Click here for the GuruGram library.
Click here for the Original Slower demo.
Click for the PS Array to Image utility.

Click here for the
PSAR2IMG.PSL source code.
Click here to Contact the Author directly.

   Tech Musings #147 MUSE147.PDF
A look at pendulum accellerometers. Servo and feedback books. PS
      Log file 404 error extractor
. Listening in on bat navigation. Using
synchros and selsyns. USB Complete book. More...

Click for Instant Consulting solutions.
Click here to view our eBay live auctions.

   Tech Musings #149 MUSE149.PDF
Where to get parts. Acrobat web searches. New touch screen
chip. Reformation free fuel cells. PostScript proc diversion. Secrets
of transmission line transformers. NDT resources More...

Click for more Tech Musings columns.

   Blatant Opportunist #22 PICOJUST.PDF
Don's "third stage" text justification scheme gives you outstanding
results. Justification fundamentals. Fill justify basics. Adding bells
and whistles. Picojustification concepts. Sourcecode listings.

Click for the Gonzo Justification sourcecode.
Click for more Blatant Opportunist tutorials.

   Duplex Auto-addressing Catalog  BODCAT.HTML
  Tutorial and PostScript sourcecode for a duplex, 16 page, auto-
addressing, auto-collating, auto-tumbling, dual paper stock
saddle stitched BOD brochure or catalog printing.

Click for the BODCAT.PSL sourcecode.
Click for an Older Catalog demo. (contents not current)

   Font conversion tutorial and demo OLDFONTS.HTML
Older Adobe "printer only" fonts are tricky to install into PC ATM.
shows how to combine PFA2PFB.ps" with readable .PFM files
     found in Type
on call. Read as HTML document.

Click for Custom Research solutions.

   PS strings/arrays/integers conversion STRCONV.HTML
A PostScript string is really a special array of integers of value 0-255.
     Here '
s a tutorial of the six procs you need to get from string to array
to integers and back. Two procs are elegant and non-obvious.

Click here to view our eBay live auctions.

   HTML to multi-page Acrobat Linking Demo
     Once you know the rules, it is easy to jump from a HTML page to
any position or magnification in an Acrobat .pdf" file. Tutorial and
demo shows how to use and link Acrobat named destinations.

Click here for more Adobe Acrobat assistance.

   JPEG to PDF file conversion JPEG2PDF.HTML
Simple PS proc textfiles sent to Acrobat Distiller can easily convert
resident JPEG disk files into PDF images. Here is a brief Don
tutorial on the short and simple code that is needed.

Click here a more detailed STEPPREP.PDF example.
And its detailed STEPPREP.PSL companion sourcecode.

   PostScript String Conversions STRCONV.PDF #30
     Tutorial shows a collection of crucial and little known PostScript
     programming secrets involving conversion between strings, integers,
     arrays, and dictionaries. Includes sorting and dereferencing routines.

Click here for the GuruGram library.
Click for the older STRCONV.HTML tutorial
Click here for the STRCONV.PSL source code.
Click here for additional Consulting services.
Click here to Contact the Author

   A PostScript Heap Sort HEAPSORT.PDF #32
     Tutorial and analysis of the heap sort, an exotic search algorithm
      that both offers exceptional speed for large n combined with
      acceptable performance for everyday use.

Click here for the GuruGram library.
Click for the HEAPPS01.PSL test & demo code
Click here for the HEAPSORT.PSL source code.
Click here for additional Consulting services.
Click here to Contact the Author

   Some Simple PostScript Sorts PRESORT.PDF #31
     Tutorial and utilities shows a group of bubble sorts and 12x faster
      presorted bubble sorts that are easy to use for smaller n. Optionally
      sorts on popularity instead of alphabetically.

Click here for the GuruGram library.
Click for the PRESORT1.PSL test & demo code
Click here for the PRESORT.PSL source code.
Click here for additional Consulting services.
Click here to Contact the Author

   Fun With Fields FUNFIELD.PDF #39
       Using PostScript to quickly solve advanced field problems
     with astonishingly simple math. Gradients, Equipotentials, Laplacians.

Click here for the FUNFIELD.PSL source code.
Click here for the FIELDS01.PDF field generator.
Click here for the FIELDS01.PDF field frmo.

Click here to reach the GuruGram library.
Click here to reach the Math Stuff library.
Click here for additional Consulting
Click here to Contact the Author

   Copyright Symbols & ISO Encoding COPYRITE.HTML
There are dozens of "hidden" characters in a "normal" PostScript font
By going to an ISO Encoding, many of these characters can newly
be used. Examples include copyright, registered, and trademark.

Click for our Surplus Bargain pages.

   Avoiding PostScript -exp- blowups EXPBLOW.HTML
Use of very high powers and small numbers in the PostScript exp
exponential operator works fine in Distiller but sometimes blows up
on older PS interpreters. Here's the reason and the workaround.

Click here for our new GuruGram library.

   Palatino and Pathforall Workarounds DISTPALO.HTML
Acrobat Distiller does not directly or internally support Palatino
or other "extended 35" fonts. Here are workarounds to let you properly
use Palatino and the PostScript -pathforall- operator with Distiller.

Click here for Patent Avoidance info.

   Acrobat Security Flaws INSECURE.HTML
Brief Don Lancaster tutorial on Acrobat security flaws in Acrobat 2.1
Security is hypersensitive to added characters or non-transparent data
channels. Worse, a "print to disk" circumvents all other user security.

Click here to view our eBay live auctions.

   Tech Musings #113 MUSE113.PDF
A superb new color printer. Pager motors and vibrators. An
online patent repository. Two more patent horror stories
 PostScript as language. Finding rms voltages and currents.

Click here for more Tech Musings columns.

   Blatant Opportunist #40 SPOTCOLR.PDF
Insider secrets to making B/W print more colorful include
papers, preprints, toners, diecuts, color toners, Kroy Color,
Bakerizing, hiliters, and a sneaky new PostScript Colorizer.

Click here for more Blatant Opportunist columns.

   Tech Musings #110 MUSE110.PDF
A new PostScript video character generator. NTSC fundamentals.
Aerial photos priced as low as $10 per square mile.. Resources for
video and tv. New analog video fader chip.

Click here for PostScript Robotics info.
Click for the Captain Video secret mountain laboratory.

   Tech Musings #102 MUSE102.PDF
A "colorizer" for PostScript; Using binomial coefficients;
Laser printer repair resources; magnetic field intensity paper;
HP 5SiMX Book-on-demand printer, more.

Click here for more Webmastering assistance.

  PostScript "web friendly" colors  WEBCOLOR.PS 
     Tutorial, utilities and demo show you how to do 215 "web friendly"
and simply numbered PostScript colors. Read first in editor or wp
then send to Acrobat Distiller.

Click here for a web friendly colors demo.
Click for the Guru's Gonzo PostScript Utilities.

  Post Script-as-language utilities: .
 top   bot 

Our PostScript-as-language Gonzo utilities and our PostScript
Beginner Stuff tutorials and our PostScript Show & Tell demos
appear in special sections below.

   Gonzo PostScript Utilities Guide GONZOTUT.PDF #79
       The long overdue tutorial and directory to my Gonzo utilities. These
     are a combined PS pagemaking and illustration package that features
     super quality text justification, electronic schematics, and much more.

Click here for the Gonzo PostScript utilities.
Click here for the GuruGram 79 source code.
Click here to Contact the Author

   Don Lancaster's Gonzo PostScript Utilities
he combination pagemaking and illustration package Don uses for
all of his work. It is powerful, flexible, and device independent.
But not wysiwig. Also see the PostScript Beginner Stuff.

Click to directly download the Gonzo Utilities.

   PostScript & Distiller disk file utilities DISKTOOL.PS
       PostScript, Ghostscript or the Acrobat Distiller can easily access
printer or host hard drives. This is a collection of Don's disk file
access tutorials and utilities. Includes web site analysis examples.

Click for Custom Research solutions.

   Gonzo PS Powerpoint Emulator GONZOPOW.PDF #20
     Converting PowerPoint slides for .pdf" web presentation presents all
     sorts of problems that are completely eliminated by using this direct
     raw PostScript slide show emulator. Uses Gonzo utilities.

Click here to for the MSINTRO1.PDF demo.
Click here to for the DELTAMS1.PDF
Click here for the
MSINTRO1.PSL sourcecode.
Click here for
GONZOPOW.PSL source code.
Click here to reach the Acrobat

   Logfile Reader & eBay Analyzer ANALOGEB.PDF #28
      Tutorial shows how to use new web logfile analysis utilities that
     include automatic eBay hit reports, eBay image theft detection, plus
     detailed individual visitor logs. Totally customizable.

Click for the Web Logfile Analyzer utility.
Click for a Web Logfile Analyzer output demo
Click for a Web Logfile Analyzer input workfile

Click here for additional eBay help.
Click here for the ANALOGEB.PSL source code.
Click here for additional Consulting services.
Click here to Contact the Author

   Monthly Logfile Stats Addition HISTOLOG.PDF #36
        Some expansions and add-ons to our custom Log File Reader
      that gives you trailing monthly stats, anong with most popular
      long term files, errors, and referrals.

Click for the original Log File Reader tutorial.
Click here for the
HISTOLOG.PSL source code.
Click here for the Auction Help library.

   Acrobat "Galley Slave" GALLERY.PDF
    Tutorial and insider secrets for PDF thumbnail gallery
The many advantages over HTML include data base
     sourcing, single file delivery and fast images.

Click here for a Gallery PDF demo.
Click here for more Acrobat PDF assistance.
Click here to view our eBay live auctions.

   PostScript Numeric Reporter PS8DPRP1.PDF #76
     PostScript normally only reports numerics to six decimal points.
    Utility and tutorial extends this to nearly eight decimal points over
    a fairly wide numeric range.

Click here for the Numeric Reporting iutility..
Click here for the GuruGram 76 source code.
Click here to Contact the Author

   Secrets of  GRABREFS.PSL
       PostScript-as-language utility reads a log file, then extracts only
       offsite and non-search-query referrals
. View in editor, modify and
then send to Acrobat Distiller or GhostScript.

Click here for more Webmastering tutorials.

    Acrobat url Extractor/Tester GRABURLS.PSL 
   Utility extracts PDFmark url links from any Acrobat file. Use for
proofing & link testing. Read in wp or editor, change filename, then
send to Acrobat Distiller. Output appears in separate HTML file.

Click here for a Sample URL Extraction.

   Fitting 3 points to a quadratic curve  PARAFIT.PSL
Brief Don Lancaster tutorial and PostScript demo of fitting three
data points to a parabola and quickly finding the x and y values of
he minimum. For curve fitting and minimization.

Click here for other Math Stuff tutorials.

   Drawing a circle through 3 points CIRC3PTS.PSL 
Brief Don Lancaster tutorial and PostScript demo of drawing a
     circle through three points.
Finding the slope at the midpoint
     leads to less tedious improved curvetracing routines.

Click here for the CIRC3PTS.PDF demo.
Click here for new CURVETR2.PSL sourcecode.
Click here for new CURVETR2.PDF demo.

   Auto-Tracking PDF web links AUTOURL.PDF
       Sourcecode and insider secrets for automatically repositioning
     Acrobat url links.
These can be data base entered and are totally
     source document controlled. They move correctly upon editing.

Click here for additional GuruGrams.
Here's some sourcecode and earlier info:

   Pre-embedding Acrobat source URL's URLINDOC.PSL
Tutorial and Guru Gonzo PostScript patches that let you embed url
      links directly into your pre-Acrobat source
documents. Short and
PostScript routines make the job really easy.

Click here for more Acrobat PDF assistance.
Click here for email contact or feedback.

   Hardware Hacker #59 HACK59.PDF
High side FET drivers. Drawing semilog plots. Laser printer
repair kits. Fundamentals of resonance. Far East computing
resources. Semiconductor manufacturer resources.

Click here for more Hardware Hacker columns.

   PS Referral log query extractor GRABSRCH.PSL
PostScript-as-language utility reads a log file, then extracts only
     referring reasearch engine query terms
. View in editor, modify,
then send to Acrobat Distiller or GhostScript.

Click for Custom Research solutions.

   Bubble Sort Utility BUBLSORT.PS
Simple stack-oriented utility that bubble sorts up to several
thousand values. Read tutorial first as textfile, then test and
modify as runnable PostScript code.

Click here for additional Math resources.

   Insertion Sort Utility INSORT.PS
Simple stack-oriented utility that approximates an insertion sort
up to several thousand values. Read tutorial first as textfile, then
test and modify as runnable PostScript code.

Click here for Adobe Acrobat assistance.

   Tech Musings #89 MUSE89.PDF
BASIC Stamp Manuals. Secrets of Fibonacci sunflowers.
New Bezier cubic spline book. Adobe's elegant Acrobat.
E-field ac voltage sensing.

Click for more Tech Musings columns.

   Some Acrobat web page utilities  AWEBUTIL.HTML
      Acrobatic web page advantages can be compelling. Tutorial and
shows how to do a "HTML-like" only better web page menu
Includes hot buttons and linked urls. All in one file.

Click hereto view a AWEBDEMO.PDF demo

   Acrobat url extractor & tester GRABURLS.PSL
Utility extracts PDFmark url links from any Acrobat file. Use for
proofing & link testing. Read in wp or editor, change filename, then
send to Acrobat Distiller. Output appears in Distiller log file.

Click for an HTML transfer file Sample Output.

   Showpage Diverting Sourcecode DIVERTSP.PSL
Diverting the showpage operator is an extremely powerful tool to
provide color underlays, watermarks, standard borders, page
renumbering, etc. Read in wp or editor; send to Distiller.

Click for a Showpage Diversion PDF demo.

   PostScript web site analysis utility WEBSITAN.PSL
Utterly amazing utility converts Acrobat's Distiller into a super power
      web site
analyzer! Download as PostScript file; read as tutorial, then
Then distill. Results appear in the generated .LOG file.

Click for our Surplus Bargain pages.

   More website analysis utilities WEBLOGU2.PSL
PostScript-as-language tools and demos for web site analysis.
Sorted file-by-customer reports, compresses log files by 25:1,
 Extract custom info faster and simpler than most web software.

Click here for Adobe Acrobat assistance.

   Web error log analysis utilities WEBERRU2.PSL
Additional PostScript-as-language tools and demos for web site
Reads Apache error file, extracts only access errors and
ranks by occurance. Read as textfile, modify, send to Distiller.

Click for more Webmastering help..

   Still more web site analysis utilities REFLOG1.HTML
Additional PostScript-as-language tools and demos for web site
Separates individual customer from virtual extended
      Microsoft Server
log and extracts referral report.

Click here for the REFLOG1.PSL sourcecode.

   Referral log analyzer utilities REFSUM1.HTML
Additional PostScript-as-language tools and demos for web site
Totalizes and sorts daily referral reports into a composite
referral log summary.

Click here for the REFSUM1.PSL sourcecode.

   PostScript .PFA to .PFB font conversion PFA2PFB.PSL
Uses Acrobat Distiller (or GhostScript or ps printer with disk) to
convert PC .PFA (hex-ascii) format font files to .PFB (binary) format
     font files. Read
with wp, then Distill. PFB files are used internally.

Click here for an Energy Efficiency breakthrough.

   PostScript .PFB to .PFA font conversion PFB2PFA.PSL
Uses Acrobat Distiller (or GhostScript or ps printer with disk) to
convert PC .PFB (binary) font files to .PFA (hex-ascii) font files.
with editor, then Distill. PFA files can be modemed as text.

Click here to visit the GuruGram library.

   PostScript Flutterwumper Utilities FLUTOOLS.PSL
A set of flutterwumper tools that convert ordinary PostScript code
directly into a flutfile, or series of low level incremental X-Y-Z steps
needed for low level motion control. Includes circles and typography.

Click here for the Flutterwumper Library.
Click here for a Flutterwumper Tutorial .

   PS 4X4 Linear Equation Solver LINEQ04.PSL
Tutorial and test demo solves n=4 linear algebraic equations by
first using Gaussian Elimination followed by back substitution.
can easily be extended to other orders.

Click here for additional Gauss-Jordan theory.
Click here to reach the Math Stuff library.

   Acrobat Catalog File Formats ACATDATA.PSL
Shows how to read Acrobat Catalog file internals so that new custom
features can easily be added. Read tutorial in editor or word processor,
modify filenames, then send to Acrobat Distiller or GhostScript.

Click here for Adobe Acrobat assistance.

   Acrobat Catalog Keyword Reader CATWORDS.PSL
Extracts alphabetical keyword list from Acrobat Catalog data.
Read tutorial in editor or word processor, modify filenames, then
send to Acrobat Distiller or GhostScript.

Click here for Acrobat Catalog consulting.

   Acrobat Catalog Utility Tools CATOOLS1.PSL
Some PostScript utilities that let you read Acrobat catalog internals.
Includes a word frequency extractor. View in wp or editor, modify and
then send to Distiller or GhostScript. Generates ASCII textfiles.

Click here to view our eBay live auctions.

   Hardware Hacker #68 Sourcecode HACK68.PSL
The sourcecode and template used to generate HACK68.PDF.
Text file written in raw Guru Gonzo PostScript. Includes examples
of pulse monitor software using PostScript-as-languagee.

Click here for the actual HACK68.PDF column.
Click here for Test Equipment Bargains.

   Sourcecode & Template MUSE110.PSL
The sourcecode and template usd to generate MUSE110.PDF.
Text file written in raw in Guru Gonzo PostScript. Newly includes
URL links pre-built into the source code using pdfmark.

Click for the actual MUSE110.PDF column.
Click here for more Tech Musings columns.

   Netscape News Reformatter NEWSFORM.PSL
PostScript-as-language reads the compressed Netscape
      Newsgroup format,and converts to HTML "hot link" code.
      Read with editor, then send to Distiller or GhostScript.

Click here for Blatant Opportunist columns.

   Binomial Goes Binary ONESWORD.HTML
PostScript utility to generate all possible binary words of length
 "n" having "k" ones in them. For magic sinewaves and exploration
of the binomial theorem. Read in editor, send to Distiller.

Click here for a Magic Sinewave development proposal.

   Improved web colorizer utility  COLORIZ2.HTML
Revised PostScript utility to simply upgrade existing gray tone
documents so they print in continuous selectable color tints on
line and on screen, yet appear as original grays on a B/W printer.

    This disgustingly elegant code also shows you how to write a
    PostScript program that writes its own PostScript programs!

Click here for the PostScript Sourcecode.
Click here for a Colorizer Demo & Directory.

   PS Bezier curve through fuzzy data! FUZZYBEZ.HTML
Don Lancaster utility shows how to fit a Bezier curve to fuzzy
data points. While preserving end points and optionally the end
angles. Read PS sourcecode in editor, modify then send to Distiller.

Click here for the PostScript Sourcecode.
Click here for the Acrobat PDF demo.

    Bezier curve through four points BEZ4PTS.PDF
Jim Fitzsimmons TEX tutorial shows how to fit a Bezier curve
through two end points and two intermediate points, all of which
are on the desired cubic polynomial curve.

Click here for a BEZ4PTS Sourcecode utility.

   Tech Musings #144  MUSE144.PDF
Temperature measurements. Thermocouple fundamentals.
Working with newsgroups. PostScript Gambler's Ruin simulation
Understanding "favicon.ico". Thermometry books. More.

Click here for Electronic Surplus bargains.

   Sourcecode & Template MUSE109.PSL
The sourcecode and template usd to generate MUSE109.PDF.
    Textfile written in raw Guru Gonzo PostScript. Note text justification
    quality and hyphenation algorithm. Send to any PostScript device.

Click here for more Tech Musings resources.
Click for the actual MUSE109.PDF column.

  Older PostScript utility archive: .
 top   bot 

These are mostly archival older historic or superceded files.
You can email me for current info...

   PS "Galley Slave" auto gallery gen GALLEY1.PSL
      Emulates an HTML "gallery" or "thumbnail" page or pages in a
single downloading file from a convenient data base. Read first
n editor or WP, then Distill using Acrobat . Full sourcecode.

Click to view the PDF Galley Slave demo.

   Linear Equation Solver LINEAREQ.PSL
A group of PostScript utilities and demos that use determinants to
solve high order linear algebraic equations. Explicit examples shown
to 10x10. Includes linear phase digital filter design examples.

Click here for more Hardware Hacker columns.

   A nonlinear "Tuna Can" transform  TUNACAN.HTML
Tutorial on a quick and dirty Tuna Can transform that lets you
wrap lettering around a tilted can or cylinder. Also an example of
how to use Don's Gonzo utilities and Acrobat as PostScript interpreter.

Click here for a newer full Tuna Can utility.

  Gonzo Utility Procs: .
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Don Lancaster's Gonzo.PS utilities include many personally created
tools he uses for virtually all of his ezines, columns, books, and most
of his engineering design and development work.

They are a combination pagemaking and illustration program that
can offer exceptional control, especially for use with precise font
justification, outstanding electronic schematics, superb robotics,
fully automatic active web linking, step-and-repeats,
and any place
intensive calculations are related to graphic display or presentation.

Gonzo is also able to read and write virtually any file format in almost
any language. It is also a superbly flexible emulator.

They are totally device and platform independent.

The Gonzo Utilities are purposely and proudly ~not~ WYSIWYG. They
are also somewhat tedious and time consuming and have a rather steep
learning curve. But text to visual displays are often only a few seconds
away from each other. Gonzo gives you absolute and total control.

In typical use, a PostScript program is created using Wordpad or a
similar word processor or text editor. It is then customized and then
saved as an ordinary ASCII textfile. Often with a .psl" trailer. That
program is then sent to Acrobat Distiller. From which a PDF file,
useful screen messages, a log file, or one or more new disk files can
be uniquely custom created.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Starting with the Distiller in Acrobat 8.1,
the ability to read and write disk files has been default disabled.
This ability MUST be restored to use the Gonzo Utilities. In
Windows, this can be done by running Distiller from a command
line option using the command of

                         acrodist -F

This command remains active so long as a runnable copy of Distiller
is on or under the desktop. You can then drag and drop your Gonzo
PS files into this Distiller copy.

UPDATE: Adobe has now permanently disabled any and all disk
access in Distiller. Use GhostScript instead when disk manipulations
are required.


The following code line ~must~ be present near the begainning of each
of your programs to prepend the Gonzo code...

   (C:\\Program Files\\Gonzo\\gonzo.ps) run % use internal gonzo

Be sure your FULL filename EXACTLY matches your Gonzo.PS
location. Also be sure to use DOUBLE REVERSE SLASHES any
time you mean a single reverse slash. This is an odd quirk required
of reverse slashed PostScript strings.

Alternately, if you do not want to install Gonzo.PS on your computer,
put Gonzo.ps" on a floppy disk and add this line instead..

                    (A:\\gonzo.ps) run       % use external gonzo

After prepending, these lines are normally used to activate the Gonzo
utilities by opening appropriate PostScript dictionaries...

gonzo begin          % activate gonzo utilities
ps.util.1 begin

nuisance begin

Detailed Gonzo Use examples appear below. We can also provide you
with custom online or live training on a negotiated basis. Our seminars
are often held at Black Range Lodge, a superbly remote New Mexico
wildernes retreat.

   Gonzo PostScript Utilities Guide GONZOTUT.PDF #79
     The long overdue tutorial and directory to my Gonzo utilities. These
     are a combined PS pagemaking and illustration package that features
     super quality text justification, electronic schematics, and much more.

Click here for the Gonzo PostScript utilities.
Click here for the GuruGram 79 source code.
Click here to Contact the Author

Click here for Custom Gonzo Utility assistance.

Examples of simpler Gonzo utility usage appear in the PostScript
Beginner Projects

Here are detailed examples of how the Gonzo Utilities are used for
Don's Tech Musings and Blatant Opportunist ezine columns. These
include powerful pagemaking templates and automatic fully tracking
url link insertion...

  Sourcecode for Blatant Opportunist #65 MYEBAYS.PSL
      My eBay Secrets. Fundamentals. Getting stuff. Listings. Images.
      Getting paid. Closing your sale. Guarantees & refunds. Reserves,
      Dutch,  BIN. Promotion. Storage. Protection. Snipers. Lots more...

Click here for the actual MYEBAYS.PDF file.

  Sourcecode for Tech Musings #153 MUSE153.PSL
      Bouncy brick secrets. Privatizing mil surplus. Bogus water powered
      cars. Fundamentals of electrolysis. Reducing table lookup sizes.
      Quadratic interpolation. Bounty hunting patents for $$$$.

Click here for the actual MUSE153.PDF file.

Be sure to note the super secret hyphenation algorithm that Don
uses in virtually all of his PDF files.

This one shows how to include multiple JPEG files in a PDF doc...

   Sourcecode for Tech Musings #67 STEPPREP.PSL
     Secrets of Step-by-step Image Prep. Postprocessing. Scanner vs
     camera. knockout knockouts. Pixel locking. Adding detail. Improving
      lettering. The small stuff. For more help.

Click here for the actual STEPPREP.PDF file.

And here is a tutorial on Gonzo's outstanding text justification...

    Blatant Opportunist #26  PICOJUST.PDF
Don's "third stage" text justification scheme gives you outstanding
      results. Justification fundamentals. Fill justify basics. Adding bells
      and whistles. Picojustification concepts. Sourcecode listings.

Click here for Custom Gonzo Utility assistance.

  PostScript Beginner Projects: .
 top   bot 

The PostScript beginner projects began as a Community College
one semester course that Bee and I team taught at EAC.

The primary goals of the course were to...

    (A) teach fundamental raw PostScript language programming
    (B) show students how to profit solving community needs
    (C) provide a beginner's tutorial to my Gonzo PS Procs

Typical projects included letterheads, business cards, resumes,
numbered tickets, ads, bumperstickers, reversed store window stick
ons, curve tracing, door hangers, pads (for some mysterious reason,
prescription pads seemed ~very~ popular), wedding announcements,
newsletters, basic text layouts, thank you notes, and similar items.

These routines originally used the PS interpreters inside PostScript
printers. It is much simpler, faster, easier, and more fun today to use
host-based Acrobat Distiller instead.

To do this, you first install my Gonzo.PS Procs in your computer in a
suitable file folder, such as /gonzo/gonzo.ps" on your desktop.

Your PostScript programs are normally created and saved as plain
old ASCII text files, using Wordpad or another suitable editor. The
following code line ~must~ be present near the beganning of each of
your programs...

    (C:\\windows\\desktop\\gonzo\\gonzo.ps) run % use internal gonzo

Be sure your FULL filename EXACTLY matches your Gonzo.PS
location. Also be sure to use DOUBLE REVERSE SLASHES any
time you mean a single reverse slash. This is an odd quirk required
of reverse slashed PostScript strings.

Alternately, if you do not want to install Gonzo.PS on your computer,
put Gonzo.ps" on a floppy disk and add this line instead..

                    (A:\\gonzo.ps) run % use external gonzo

We can also do this or similar courses for you on a negotiated basis.
Our seminars are often held at Black Range Lodge, a superbly
remote New Mexico wilderness retreat.

   Don & Bee Lancaster's PostScript Beginner Projects
  A collection of simple PostScipt-as-language projects that solve
     real world needs such as letterheads, resumes, bumperstickers, etc...
     This is the viewable and printable PDF version.

Here are the sourcecode files for the individual projects. We have
prepended "(C:\\windows\\desktop\\gonzo\\gonzo.ps) run" to these,
so be sure to edit them if your Gonzo.PS is in a different location.

To use these files, view them in Wordpad, verify a runnable Gonzo
command, then modify them to meet your needs. Then save them as
an ordinary ASCII textfile. Then send them to Acrobat Distiller...

BP01  Layout Grid Sourcecode and Demo
BP02  Letterhead Left Sourcecode and Demo
BP02  Letterhead Center Sourcecode and Demo

BP03  Business Cards Sourcecode and Demo
BP03  Rolodex Sourcecode and Demo
BP03  Cards Now Sourcecode and Demo

BP04  Graduation Mug Sourcecode and Demo
BP04  2-up Notepad Sourcecode and Demo
BP04  Valentine Outside Sourcecode and Demo
BP04  Valentine Inside Sourcecode and Demo

BP05  Grocery List Sourcecode and Demo
BP05  Quad Pad Same Sourcecode and Demo
BP05  Quad Pad Different Sourcecode and Demo

BP06  Report Cover Sourcecode and Demo
BP07  Text Paragraph Sourcecode and Demo

BP08  Skills Resume Sourcecode and Demo
BP08  Chrono Resume Sourcecode and Demo
BP09  Curvetrace Intro Sourcecode and Demo

BP10  Auto-addressing Envelopes Sourcecode and Demo
BP10  Auto-addressing Labels Sourcecode and Demo
BP10  Auto-addressing Letters Sourcecode and Demo

BP11  Horizontal 3-fold Mailer Sourcecode and Demo
BP11  Vertical 3-fold Mailer Sourcecode and Demo
BP11  Horizontal 4-fold Mailer Sourcecode and Demo

BP12  Arc Justify T-shirts Sourcecode and Demo
BP12  Auto-id Badges Sourcecode and Demo
BP12  Baby Bumper Stickers Sourcecode and Demo
BP12  Medium Bumper Stickers Sourcecode and Demo
BP12  Large Bumper Stickers Sourcecode and Demo

BP13  Rubber Stamp Mastering Sourcecode and Demo
BP13  Reversed Lettering Sourcecode and Demo
BP13  Upside Down Lettering Sourcecode and Demo

BP14  The Self-knotting Rope! Sourcecode and Demo
BP14  Certificates & Awards Sourcecode and Demo
BP14  Character Border Sourcecode and Demo
BP14   Notices & Announcements Sourcecode and Demo

BP15   Menu Justify Sourcecode and Demo
BP15   Supertabbing Routines Sourcecode and Demo

BP16   Big Stencil Letters Sourcecode and Demo
BP16   Clipped Font Paths Sourcecode and Demo

BP17   Doorknob Hanger Sourcecode and Demo
BP17   Ripoff Bulletin Ad Sourcecode and Demo
BP17   Tent or POP Hanger Sourcecode and Demo
BP17   Sequential Tickets Sourcecode and Demo

BP18   Pulp Novel Sourcecode and Demo
BP19   Two Column Newsletter Sourcecode and Demo
BP20   Three Column Column Sourcecode and Demo

Here's some other quick and easy PostScript sourcecode, utilities,
and demos of both beginner and ongoing professional interest...

Font Path Grabber Sourceecode with Demo
Fractal Fern Sourcecode and Demo and Image
Improved Curvetracing Sourcecode and Demo
Layout Grid Overlay Sourcecode and Demo
Mimbres Lizard Sourcecode and Demo
Perspective NLT Sourcecode and Demo
Point Rule Overlay Sourcecode and Demo
Starwars NLT Sourcecode and Demo
Tuna Can NLT Sourcecode and Demo

  PostScript Secrets: .
 top   bot 

These ezine resources started out as LaserWriter Corner columns
I once wrote for Computer Shopper. The name was later changed to
PostScript Secrets as other PostScript uses became popular. Extra
supplemental material was later added to the BOD versions.

Mostly in the form of ready to use PostScript-as-language routines.

This older content is presented as a historical archive and has ~not~
been updated. Nor is it quite up to our current display standards. A
few of the free fonts also do not yet image quite as the originals.

Note in particular that our area code is now (928) and that PostScript
code today is normally run using Distiller, instead of printer based.

Note also that some of the earlier fancier tricks happened ~before~
unlocked font paths became available. email me for the latest info.

   Don Lancaster's  POSTSCRIPT SECRETS
An early collection of useful and unique PostScript resources.
      Including supply sources, unusual techniques., free fonts,
      and PostScript-as-Language routines.

Click here for Live Auction bargains.

  PostScript Show and Tell: .
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The original PostScript Show and Tell was a group of showcards
I would use in my computer group and trade show presentations that
revealed some of the gee whiz and (then) highly unique stuff which
you could newly do by using PostScript laser printers.

   Don Lancaster's POSTSCRIPT SHOW & TELL
An early "showcard" group of gee-whiz demos of all the neat stuff
      you could now do using newly available PostScript laser printers.
      While rather tame now, it was super spectacular at the time.

Click here for Custom Research assistance.

  Links: .
 top   bot 

    Adobe System's Adobe.com
Premier PostScript home includes free Acrobat and eBook reader
software, product details, developer's info, much more.

Click for free PostScript & Acrobat technical docs.

  Peter Deutsch's GhostScript"
      GhostScript is a freeware PostScript clone that offers on-screen
displays on Mac and PC platforms. Includes PostScript site links.

  PostScript & GhostScript Internet Resources
      Definitive link farm from the comp.lang.postscript newsgroup
      FAQ service. Products, fonts, reference sites, much more.

  Internet Compatible ToastScript
      Java application models level I PostScriptcolori. Especially useful for
      internet and intranet apps

  Hewlett Packard at www.hp.com
The largest supplier of PostScript speaking printers. Check their
2200 and 8150 in particular for Book-on-demand production.

  PostScript video applications at Videonics.com
The PowerScript 1000 is one of the first PostScript speaking
video character generators. Including alpha transparency!

  PostScript and PDF tools from Enfocus Systems
      Includes Double Check and Tailor for PostScript and various
      useful fools for Acrobat PDF.

Many related links can be found in the Acrobat PDF library.

  Books: .
 top   bot 

Acrobat PDF and PostScript:

Acrobat Reference Manual (the PEWTER book)
Acrobat 5 PDF Bible ( Ted Padova )
Adobe Acrobat 5 PDF for Dummies ( Greg Harvey )
Adobe Acrobat 5: The Professional User's Guide ( DonnaBaker )
Double Trouble (PDF and Palm Pilot formats) ( Betty Sullivan )
From Paper to Web: Making Information... (Tony McKinley)
Internet Publishing with Acrobat (Gordon Kent)
PDF Bible: The Complete Guide... (Mark Witkowski)
PDF Printing and Workflow ( Frank Romano )
PDF with Acrobat 5: Visual QuickStart Guide ( Jennifer Alspach )
PDF Printing & Publishing (Mattias Andersson)
PostScript & Acrobat PDF Applications... (Thomas Mertz)
PostScript & Acrobat PDF Bible (Thomas Mertz)
Real World PDF with Adobe Acrobat 5 ( Anita Dennis )
Teach Yourself Visually Adobe Acrobat 5 Pdf ( Ted Padova )
Web Publishing With Acrobat PDF (Thomas Mertz)
Web Publishing With Adobe Acrobat (Bruce Page)

PostScript by Example (the MAROON book)
PostScript Reference Manual (the RED book)
PostScript Tutorial & Cookbook (the BLUE book)

  Newsgroups: .
 top   bot 


  For more help: .
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  Ask Don a PostScript or Acrobat Question.

  Go to the Acrobat PDF Library page.

  Explore an Energy Efficiency Solution.

  Find Instant Research Answers.

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