Don  Lancaster's Guru's Lair 
Temperature & Thermometry Books
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CRC Handbook of Thermoelectrics ( D.Rowe )
Electronic Refrigeration ( H. Goldsmid )
Fundamentals of Temperature Measurement ( Robert Benedict )
Handbook of Temperature Measurement ( Robin Bentley )
Industrial Temperature Measurement ( Thomas Kerlin )
Measurement of Temperature and Humidity ( W. Wylie )
Measurements in Flames ( J. Chedaille )
Practical Temperature Measurement ( Peter N. Childs )
Practical Thermocouple Thermometry ( Thomas W. Kerlin )
Principles of Temperature Measurement ( Thomas McGee ) 
Temperature Measurement ( Amer Society for Testing )
Temperature Measurement ( Bela Liptak )
Theory and Properties of Thermocouple Elements ( D. Pollock )
Thermocouple Temperature Measurement ( P.Kinzie )
Thermoelectric Materials ( Marshall Sittig )
Thermoelectric Materials 1998: The Next Generation ( T. Tritt )
Thermoelectricity: Theory, Thermometry, Tools ( D. Pollock )
Use of Thermocouples in Temperature Measurement ( ASTM )